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Apr 18, 2013

og:image:,Battleblock Theater, Bioshock Infinite, Evoland, Trouble in Terrorist Town

The latest game from Drinkbox Studios, Guacamelee!, is a charming Metroidvania style game that is certain to charm the pants off of fans of the genre. Nick sounds off with intial impressions of his first time playing Metroid Prime and Nolan shares his impressions of Legend of Dungeon. We also try to rationalize the teasers from Bethesda to no avail... somehow, we are sure this game is Prey 2.

**Please excuse the temporary inconsistency of audio quality. We have introduced a new setup in our recording room and we are still experimenting to find the proper mic setup. We will be continuing to add new furniture and equipment in the coming weeks until its perfect. Please leave any feedback or suggestions in the comments below!**

Podcast 313 - [download]



Metroid Prime
Battleblock Theater
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
System Shock 2

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