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Mar 6, 2014

og:image:, Southpark The Stick of Truth, Thief, Dark Souls 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Batman Arkham Knight, Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Prepare yourselves for a impressions-heavy show this week. South Park: The Stick of Truth is finally upon us and Nolan couldn't be happier. We have some more impressions of Thief and Brad unloads on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Krispy also snagged himself an early copy of Dark Souls 2 and shares his initial impressions. Not to spoil anything but... it's hard. Batman steals the spotlight in the 2nd segment now that Rocksteady has unveiled their new project, Batman: Arkham Knight! Share your thoughts about the games and discussion topics featured on this week's podcast! We want to know what you think!

Podcast 353 - [download]



Southpark: The Stick of Truth
Dark Souls 2
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze
Batman: Arkham Knight Announcement
and more...

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NEW RELEASE TUESDAY - South Park: The Stick of Truth

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