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Aug 14, 2014

og:image:, 1996, Duke Nukem 3D, Tomb Raider, Neverhood, Gamescom, Silent Hills

This week's podcast is a celebration of both classic and modern gaming. As 1996 month rages on, we get a chance to talk about Duke Nukem 3D, Tomb Raider, and a strange little game called The Neverhood. On the flip side, it's Gamescom right now over in Germany and there are all kinds of succulent little announcements to dissect. Perhaps most notably, Konami released a playable teaser which turned out to be an elaborate announcement for the next Silent Hill game... born from the collaboration of Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro. A stern reminder to myself that Dreams CAN come true.

Podcast 373 - [download]



Duke Nukem 3D
Tomb Raider
The Neverhood
Silent Hills Announcement
and more...

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