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Jan 31, 2013

Mike joins us this week to talk about Ni No Kuni, a devisive new JRPG exclusive to the PS3. The game garners a lot of mixed feelings, especially considering the involvement Studio Ghibli. We talk Dead Space 3, the THQ Auction, and Nintendo Direct as well! Also, the breaks this week feature original music from our very...

Jan 27, 2013

Time for Cocktail Time...LIVE!

Holy crap here it is, the Cocktail Time LIVE 2012 Awards Show in all its glory. If you missed it live, this is your chance to relive the memory that was the GREATEST AWARD SHOW ON EARTH. Ok, maybe I'm overselling it a bit. This show was split into two parts with Bob Webb and Chris Davis...

Jan 26, 2013

Studio Ghibli & Level-5's charming JRPG has finally arrived states-side, and Nolan & Jeff sat down to discuss their initial impressions of the game. Yup, it's another Audible Impression!

Audible Impression: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Jan 24, 2013

We get back into the swing of things with our first official show of 2013! We finally get a chance to talk in depth about the first two big releases of the year, DmC and Anarchy Reigns. However a particular game in the second segment really steals the spotlight this week! Cart Life, a free-to-play street vendor...

Jan 22, 2013

Far Cry 3 Audible Impressions

DmC has finally arrived! It has survived the harsh onslaught of skeptics and has turned out to be a surprise hit among critics! Jeff and Nick spend some time discussing their initial thoughts on the game thus far.

DmC Devil May Cry -