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Mar 25, 2013

It's Sunday and you know what that means! We close out our PAX East 2013 coverage with a special edition of Cocktail Time. We gather together to talk about Contrast, State of Decay, and a bunch of other games that left an impression on us at the event. Of course, it wouldn't be Cocktail Time without alcohol...

Mar 24, 2013

og:image:,Outlast, The Swapper, Remember Me

Day 2 of PAX East was our community meetup which eventually became a live recording of the podcast! Thanks so much to all of our wonderful community members who turned up to meet us and watch the recording! We talk about a ton of indie titles such as Quadrilateral Cowboy, the Swapped, and Soda Drinker Pro (yes......

Mar 23, 2013

Day 1 of PAX East is over! We sit down (in the hotel lobby thanks to the wicked witch next door) to discuss some big titles that we got a taste of so far. We talk The Last of Us, Metro Last Light, and Transistor, a gorgeous new game from the creators of Bastion.

PAX East Day 1 -

Mar 21, 2013

og:image:,Primal Carnage, Condemned, Monster Hunter, video game podcast

It's horror week over at 4Player Network so we spend some time delving into some of the obscure horror experiences we have been having on the feed! We talk about Illbleed, Condemned, and even The Hidden. Kris is addicted Monster Hunter on his 3DS and Nolan has spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Primal Carnage!...

Mar 18, 2013

og:image:, cocktail time live, video game podcast

Time for Cocktail Time...LIVE!

This week Joseph, Bob and Chris talk about putting Bob into a 55 gallon drum of Nair, the new Community Hub at, the Wii-U's poor sales, Chris played a ZombieU drinking game, Joseph talks about getting food poisoning while playing Mass Effect 2, the Starlight Express...