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Dec 19, 2013

og:image:, Rayman Legends, Assassin's Creed 4, Fallout 4, The Swapper, Papers Please

This is the final podcast of 2013! We will return in 2014 with our preview show and 2013 award show! In the meantime, we finish the year off with some Fallout 4 discussion and a "Dinosaur Erotica" book that was gifted to Nick by one of our very own community members. Go home podcast. You're drunk. Happy Holidays and...

Dec 11, 2013

og:image:, Super Mario 3D world, The Swapper, Gone Home, Legend of Zelda, A Link Between Worlds, VGX, Habanero Peppers

A lot has happened in the two weeks since we last recorded a podcast. We have all been busy trying to finish up games before the end of the year so we talk at length about Super Mario 3D World, The Swapper, and more! We hit 200 paid subscribers on Twitch so our very own Chris Davis promised the masses that we would...