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Jul 30, 2016

og:image:, Feedback from Last Week's Podcast , Metroid Prime: Blast Ball , Quadrilateral Cowboy , Latest Nintendo NX Rumors , Questions from Our Patrons,

As major releases loom on the horizon, we take solace in the Summer lull by basking in the glory of 'Quadrilateral Cowboy'. Brad tells us about the NEW METROID PRIME GAME (LOL) and we dissect the latest Nintendo NX Rumors in the 2nd segment. Of course, we also revisit feedback from last week's episode and respond to...

Jul 23, 2016

og:image:, Feedback from Last Week's Podcast , I Am Setsuna , Song of the Deep , Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow , Mirror's Edge Catalyst , Hitman (Episode 3) , New Nioh Beta Coming in August , Telltale's New Batman Series,

The 2016 onslaught of games continues as we delve into the new love letter to Chrono Trigger, I Am Setsuna and the strange little Metroidvania project from Insomniac, Song of the Deep. Despite being a little deflated by his experience with Metroid Prime, Krispy continues his quest to tackle all the beloved Metroidvania...

Jul 16, 2016

og:image:, Feedback from Last Week's Episode , Persona 4 , Furi , Pokemon Go , Cyberpunk Bartending Action Va-11 Hall-A , Fru , Crush Your Enemies , ,

Krispy is off watching the new Ghostbusters movie so Chrissy D fills in and brings impressions of a NEW Kinect game called 'Fru'. I know what you are thinking but believe us, the game looks kinda cool (too bad nobody can play it!) With that said, we find ourselves a little less focused this week since we've all been...

Jul 9, 2016

og:image:, Feedback from Last Weeks Episode , The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker , Subnautica , Furi , Persona 4 , Street Fighter V (Story Mode) , System Shock (Kickstarter Demo),

Our local Retro Gaming Enthusiast, Jack Claxton, fills in for Nolan this week and brings us his thoughts regarding Wind Waker, the FIRST Zelda game he has EVER played! Nick touts his respect for the difficult new indie game, Furi, Brad gets real about Persona 4, and Krispy revels in his new found love of Subnautica....

Jul 2, 2016

og:image:, Podcast Community Feedback , System Shock Kickstarter Demo , Inside , Dark Souls 3 , Sunset Overdrive , Top 5 Games of 2016 SO FAR,

The summer might be a bit of a lull but there is still plenty to talk about thanks to the release of Playdead's Inside (Spoiler Free Discussion) AND the launch of Night Dive Studio's Kickstarter for the Remake of the original System Shock! Brad finally gets the Dark Souls 3 discussion he's been after and we list off...