May 27, 2011
We sincerely apologize to anyone who is offended by the title of
this podcast... Now that I got that out of the way, it's time to
talk about games! Like the calm before the storm, our impressions
segment is narrowed in the weeks leading up to our trip to E3. We
talk about some L.A. Noire, Viking, Homefront, and some weird game
called Blood Will Tell. In the news we cover a lot of the rumor
mill including some surprising rumors surrounding some popular IPs;
both new and old. As the night winds down, we debate the
differences between annual game releases for series like Assassin's
Creed and Call of Duty and what it means for those franchises. It's
an action packed show this week so don't forget to wear your seat
Blood Will Tell (Brad)
Viking: Battle for Asgard (Brad)
L.A. Noire (Nick/David/Nolan)
Homefront (David)
PSP HD Remakes on PS3
God of War 4 rumors
Legacy of Kain game rumored
Tomb Raider Reboot Origins
Rockstar Games (Agent/Max Payne 3)
Modern Warfare 3 Trailer
Music this week comes from Ico
Track 1: Castle in the Mist
Track 2: Continue
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