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Dec 14, 2012

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Have you ever wondered if Sharks float when they die? Me too! On a related topic... we love Far Cry 3!? We dedicate an entire segment of the podcast this week to discussing our experiences with the game! We cover some Assassin's Creed 3 multiplayer, Chivalry, and talk at length about the insanity of Planetside 2. Let's not forget about the VGA's and all those juicy trailers that debuted this past weekend! Oh yeah... and Metal Gear Solid V (ahem... I mean "The Phantom Pain") is a thing.

Podcast 298 - [download]



Assassin's Creed 3 (Multiplayer)
Planetside 2
Far Cry 3
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Dragon's Dogma

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Neogaf Thread - Evidence that the Phantom Pain is Metal Gear Solid V

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