Sep 25, 2019
Ed returned from PAX West 2019 in Seattle with a giant list of games to talk about! There is a lot of big stuff on the horizon but let this podcast serve as a reminder that there is a ton of exciting Indie experiences worth looking out for! Hunker down with a pen and paper and write these puppies down!
Sep 7, 2019
What a week! Nick somehow found the time to play a ton of Control, start Man of Medan, AND finish Blair Witch! Speaking of Blair Witch, this new game comes highly recommended from Nick's corner. Nolan refunded a game on Steam (What could it be???) but is having a great time revisiting Final Fantasy 8 thanks to the new...
May 9, 2019
For our 600th show, we decided to try and get out ahead of the inevitable leaks before E3 2019 with our own set of predictions! The show this year is shaping up to be interesting at the very least thanks to Sony's decision to sit this one out but Microsoft, Nintendo, and various other third parties seem poised to jump...