Oct 30, 2013
We are balls deep in the holiday release season already! This week we hash out our feelings about Batman Arkham Origins and turn the tides with some surprising opinions of Assassin's Creed 4! Telltale announced Season 2 of The Walking Dead so prepare yourself for all the feels! Anyways, its a good time to be into...
Oct 23, 2013
We kick it old school (kind of) this week! Krispy shares his impressions of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Nolan spins a web of intrigue with tales from his first serious go round with Dark Souls. This of course leads to much excitement for the imminent release of Dark Souls 2. If you like the show, please...
Oct 17, 2013
This week consists of philosphical Pokemon debates following the release of Pokemon X/Y and Nick preps the group for New Release Tuesday featuring "The Wolf Among Us." We also discuss the effects that HD remasters have on the legacy of the original game and discuss some news revolving around Frictional's latest effort...
Oct 11, 2013
This week we ask ourselves the important questions... like "Is Beyond Two Souls up it's own ass?" and "Would Hummingbirds like Mondo?". Nick makes a last ditch effort to convince the world that Splinter Cell Blacklist is fantastic and Brad convinces all of us to try a game that he considers to be the biggest surprise...
Oct 3, 2013
We are on the tail end of our GTA Coverage and other games are actually starting to creep back into the equation! We talk Scribblenauts: a DC Adventure, the Beyond Two Souls Demo, Steam Machines, and a new game from Frictional Games! It's starting to look like a post-GTA5 world... Girlfriend Mode Engage!