Apr 11, 2012
Brad & David have a sit down to talk about a bunch of stuff from Captivate, including Lost Planet 3, Resident Evil 6, Dragon's Dogma. Also a discussion about the future of Nintendo and Capcom.
I apologize beforehand about my noisy eating habits. I will work on
it for future shows.
Recorded April 11th, 2012.
Mar 28, 2012
David & Chris Davis have a dinner at Mighty Fine Burger to talk about they don't like high fantasy. Also on the plate, Mass Effect, Star Wars, and Space Marine.
I apologize beforehand about my noisy eating habits. I will work on
it for future shows.
Recorded March 21st, 2012.
Dinner Time 081 – Not So Big into High...
Mar 22, 2012
Brad and David sit down to have a serious conversation about Ninja Gaiden, their lack of time playing games, and the decisions they have to make.
I apologize beforehand about my noisy eating habits. I will work on
it for future shows.
Recorded March 21st, 2012.
Dinner Time 080 – Never Enough Time -
Mar 16, 2012
Brad, Jack, & David sit down and talk about Binary Domain & Yakuza: Dead Souls, Two games made by the same developer but with completely different theories in shooter controls.
I apologize beforehand about my noisy eating habits. I will work on
it for future shows.
Also Freddie's Hamburges was amazing noisy this...
Mar 8, 2012
Brad & David sit down again to talk about Kara, Quantic Dream's newest tech demo. Also on the plate talks about Konami, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions Patch, and Tecmo.
I apologize beforehand about my noisy eating habits. I will work
on it for future shows.
Also Chick-fil-a was amazing loud this week, sorry...